Wednesday, May 14, 2008

98: Iron Maiden--Run to the Hills

Recently I have gained an appreciation for metal and of everything I have heard Iron Maiden are the best. This song is absolutely infectious, and the energy of the live performance wants me to put all my Wilco cds in a box and trade them in for a pair of black jeans and leather wrist gauntlets. Enjoy!


Malcolm Johnson said...

long live metal.

M Johnston said...


Matthew said...

Ah yes, brings me back to my brief Van Halen/Rush/The Cult days... Not sure I could quite pull off the leather vest with chest hair...

fstopr said...

Hah! Saw Maiden earlier this year here in OZ with my teenage son. They were absolutely magnificent!! A few weeks I saw Wilco with a bunch of good friends. Although nothing like Maiden, Wilco were also magnificent and rocked in a totally different way!
